Leave the Books on the Bed

Loving the Horn Book article,“’Leave the books on the bed’: Shaping a child’s social conscience” by Jen Mason Stott, the librarian at King Open School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Explore the book list.

“…grounding difficult conversations in shared books shows respect for a child; a grownup trusts him or her to think critically about complex moral questions.
Part of growing up is constructing opinions based on the information available — whether online, print, or word-of-mouth. As kids hurtle toward adulthood, there’s an urge to imprint on them our deepest moral beliefs — right when young people are most apt to question parental authority. Luckily, the kids I know still trust books, and this often rubs off on the people who give them books.” —Jen Mason Stott

One Response to “Leave the Books on the Bed”

  1. Jen Mason Stott

    Thank you! I JUST saw this post. Come drop by my school anytime! 🙂