Hey, Little Ant & Bullying & Peer Pressure

Hey Little Ant & Islamic Teachings

SoundVision, a Muslim organization that “cultivates harmony among neighbors through art, media, strategic communication, and education” recently reviewed Hey, Little Ant. “In the enchanting microcosm of Hey, Little Ant, Phillip and Hannah Hoose invite readers to tiptoe into the six-legged shoes of an insect and embark on a journey that transcends the boundaries of size,… Read more »

Ant, The Philosopher

Since the boy is more powerful than the ant, does that mean it’s okay for him to squish the ant?  Can you think of anyone you are more powerful than?  Does that mean its okay for you to hurt them? These are just some of the questions posed by Lauren Flinner at Teaching Children Philosophy. … Read more »

Challenge Taken in Maryland

Thanks to all the great work that Prof. Patricia Dean at Salisbury University has doing to promote the Challenge, entries have been pouring in from Maryland. This from a third grader — “I think the kid should leave the ant alone because ants are like people too, except they are tiny, red or black, they… Read more »