Claudette Colvin and Phillip Hoose
On March 2, 1955, a young African American woman boarded a city bus in Montgomery, Ala., took her seat and, minutes later, refused the driver’s command to surrender it to a white passenger. “It felt like Harriet Tubman was pushing me down on one shoulder and Sojourner Truth was pushing me down on the other shoulder,” she mused many years later. “History had me glued to the seat.”
READ MORE in the Washington Post
YES! We need to hear more about people like her, not about the Drumpf!
Ms. Colvin, I am so grateful to know your story. Mr. Hoose does a fine job of describing your bravery in your biography. I felt your fear in the moment you stood up for yourself, against injustice, facing unthinkable consequences. The Presidentail Medal of Freedom?That is the least this country could do for you.I will channel your bravery and determination when needed and teach it to my children.
Claudette’s story is so relevant to the issues our country face today. After listening to the book on cd, my seven year old son is greatly in awe of Claudette’s courage and determination. He was excited to hear this heroine of our history is living today in NY. He would love to write her a letter.