Moonbird Appears (On the Beach & In the NYT’s)

Moonbird Photo by Jan van de Kam

B95, the subject of Phillip Hoose’s Moonbird: A Year on the Wind with the Great Survivor B95, not only appeared on a NJ beach this week, but also on the New York Times‘ Green: A Blog About Energy and the Environment in the article “A Red-Knot Celebrity is Back in Town.”:

“On Monday morning, Patricia M. Gonzalez, an Argentine biologist, was standing on the balcony of a house in Reeds Beach, N.J., peering through a telescope at shorebirds. She spotted a bird with an orange band around its leg, possibly suggesting that it had been tagged in South America.

It was then that she realized that B95, a legendary red knot, was walking across the sand in front of her. “My hands were shaking and my heart was beating fast,” said Dr. Gonzalez, who works for the Global Flyway Network and the Fundación Inalafquen in Rio Negro, Argentina, and is collaborating with a local conservation group in Delaware Bay.”  Read More.