How many birds have their own Wiki page?
How many birds have their own Wiki page?
From Phillip Hoose on Delaware Bay: This is Argentine shorebird biologist Patricia Gonzales, minutes after having spotted once again the apparently bionic Red Knot whose leg bears an orange band inscribed B95. He migrates back and forth to his breeding grounds nearly 20,000 miles each year. His lifetime frequent flyer mileage greatly exceeds the distance… Read more »
Two photos of B95 taken yesterday by Patricia Gonzalez and Allan Baker at Reeds Beach, NJ. B95 is now at least 21 years old, and has flown enough miles to go to the moon and most of the way back. He has already been declared a Natural Ambassador of the city of Río Grande, Tierra… Read more »
Thank you to David Snodgress of the Herald-Times for writing about Moonbird and Phillip Hoose’s to Summit Elementary in Indiana. “Students got to know B95, a small bird that has flown the distance it takes to get to the moon and halfway back, when author and Indiana University graduate Phillip Hoose came by Summit Elementary. To tell third-, fourth-… Read more »
If you have read the book Moonbird by Phillip Hoose, you know that one individual bird has had incredible staying power while his species is under great threat. You can help the Red Knot. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed to protect the Red Knot rufa under the Endangered Species Act. Doing so would… Read more »
Patricia M. González of the Global Flyway Network in South America sent author Phillip Hoose this astounding news about B95… “This afternoon Allan Baker, Luis Benegas and myself saw B95 in the shores of Rio Grande in Tierra del Fuego. It was a great surprise as last year we did not see him in the area. Allan managed… Read more »
Readers of Phillip Hoose’s bird biography, Moonbird: A Year of the Wind with the Great Survivor B95 will cheer to hear that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes to list the red knot as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Read the release below and note the address for public comment. You… Read more »
B95 continues his miraculous journey! The rufa red knot, nicknamed Moonbird, was spotted in Mingan archipelago at the mouth of the St. Lawrence River in northern Quebec by Yann Rochepault on August 2nd, 2013. Mingan is a stop-over spot on the red knots’ flight from the Arctic to Tierra del Fuego. “This means he made it through another breeding… Read more »
This report came via email from author Phillip Hoose who is on Delaware Bay banding shorebirds and hoping to spot B95, the subject of his award-winning book, Moonbird: A Year on the Wind with the Great Survivor B95. “Two young Quebecois biologists—Yann Rochepault and Christophe Buidin– snapped these photos yesterday morning at Fortescue Beach on… Read more »
A shout of joy went through the birding community on 5/16/13 when B95 aka Moonbird, the subject of Phillip Hoose’s book Moonbird was spotted again on Delaware Bay. Read about it the Philadelphia Inquirer Blog.